The range an varieties of basket and patio plants would seem to be never ending with something for every taste, from the bright and brash of the large flowered trailing petunias and begonias to the more simplistic and dainty displays offered by fuchsias and the smaller flowered bacopa’s and callibrachoa which now come in a large range of different colours.

Over the years we have come to know which varieties and there cultivars preform the best and give the best value for money. Most of the basket and patio plants that we stock are cutting raised from elite mother stock which are sometimes referred to as being a branded product as the majority carry a royalty charge .It will be quite quickly become apparent that although slightly more expensive than some of there cheaper rivals the garden performance is far superior. A great example of this are the range of argyranthemums that we stock offering really good value as with a bit of dead heading and feeding they will start flowering in Mid May and continue until the frosts. As these will tolerate slightly colder growing conditions they are normally available for sale from late April early May please check for latest availability.

Another very popular line that we stock are the range of Grandeur Geraniums in a selection of different colours and pot size options . Worth a special mention are the power range of this particular cultivar these have a very strong growth habit flower profusely and offer exceptional value for money these are sold in a 1litre pot. Non stop Begonias are another great choice for summer patio pots doing as there name suggests coming into flower in early summer and then flowering continuously until the first frosts.